Why We Dedicate Babies To The Lord
 Prov. 22:6 tells us to train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from those ways. There are many conflicting re- sources and books on various ways to train children today. It is important to note the verse specifically says we are to train up a child in the way not a way. Though there are many ways to be considered and explored the Bible shows us the way to parent in a way that honors and glorifies God. As a young plant grows correctly next to a strong stake in the ground beside it, our children grow strong as we train them in the Truth of God’s Word.The Old Testament is translated from the Hebrew language with the excep- tion of some passages translated from Aramaic. The word found in Prov. 22:6 for “train” is the Hebrew word “Hanakh” and literally means “to dedi- cate” or “to consecrate.” It’s used only four times in the Old Testament, three times in reference to dedicating a building and once in this passage for the sacred process of training a child.Training a child takes daily dedication and surrender to Jesus. Dedicating our children before the Lord and before our church family is making an oath before God and his people to do whatever it takes to train that childin the understanding and knowledge of God. This is not a simple task. This requires parents to always consider how their decisions will influence the ideas and attitudes of this child who is forming his/her own personal rela- tionship with Christ. With God’s help we can raise up sons and daughters who will love Jesus with all of their heart, all of their soul, all of their strength and all of their mind. (Luke 10:27)We can never leave a legacy until we first live a legacy. We read in the Bible where Joshua had 14 consecutive generations serving God after him. Our decisions, both good and bad, will echo for hundreds of years among thou- sands of people. May God grant us great wisdom to walk out His plans for our lives as we purpose to effectively inspire and empower the next gener- ation to know their God and to make Him known. 
Baby Dedication