Wake Up

This morning the Holy Spirit woke me up wanting to have a conversation. Sometimes you wake up just because you can’t sleep and we don’t have to over-spiritualize everything that happens. This morning was different. I sensed His anticipation of our conversation as I laid there in bed trying to go back to sleep.I came to the other side of the house and started making coffee, reading my Bible #TurnThePage and it was as if there was an eruption of emotion. I was trying to contain myself as I was praying so aggressively and so loudly I was concerned a few times that I was going to wake up the entire house. Suddenly I sensed the Holy Spirit asking me to get quiet so I just listened. As soon as I quieted myself before him in a listening posture he revealed something. It was an alarm clock with spiritual implication and meaning.As the alarm clock started sounding I realized the Holy Spirit was saying it is time to wake up! My reading this morning was all about knocking, asking, seeking, pursuing, etc. Jesus came revealing the greater appetites of God's kingdom. All humanity is hungry for something more and we are deeply unfulfilled without him! As I pondered these thoughts I suddenly remembered a message Pastor Shane sent me yesterday:

“Pastor, I read your notes but Im catching up on live sermons. I just watched Your message from EASTER and it just ignited me more. Your words were "WAKE UP!!" Had no idea the connection of why I've been using that in kids min this last week but they are Key words to the church today to those young and old.

Let me encourage you to reflect on a few verses in this regard as we all purpose our own personal awakening on new levels of pursuit.Isa 42:13 The LORD will go forth like a warrior, He will arouse {His} zeal like a man of war. He will utter a shout, yes, He will raise a war cry. He will prevail against His enemies. (NAS)2 Tim 1:6 For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. (NIV)Rom 12:11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. (NIV)It really is true that our response determines his reach. If we don't respond salvation is offered but not received. This is the case in so many areas of God's Kingdom. Let's press in, rehearse a few verses and stir up a greater appetite for the things of God encouraging each other forward in it all!

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