Protestant Reformation 500 Year Anniversary - 10/31/1517

500 years ago today Martin Luther expressed one of the most important protests in history. He was angry with Roman Catholic officials who were promising forgiveness or early escape from purgatory in exchange for money. On October 31, 1517, Luther nailed a long list of complaints on the door of a church in Wittenberg, Germany. God used Luther to awaken the Protestant Reformation and restore the doctrine of grace to a church that had become corrupt, religious, dysfunctional and spiritually dead.God is constantly molding and shaping us more into his image. This 500 year anniversary is very significant and is an expression of what God is doing in this next season of the church!A generation of believers is emerging who are fed up with the religious confusion of our day. Jesus loves the church. To be like Jesus we must learn to love the church and help the church become more of who God has called her to be.#religiousconfusion Get the book order here.Good historical info here.