Is Water Baptism Really That Important?

Here is a two minute video we made to show during church if you'd like to view that as well. Below is a more elaborate explanation for you to read.Baptism is a very intriguing term that speaks of a profound revelation. Jesus put tremendous emphasis on water baptism beginning his ministry by being baptized (Matt 3:13-15) & concluding his ministry commanding the same of disciples (Matt 28:19).Water baptism is a very important decision to be made in every believers’ life but it is clearly not a requirement for salvation. In Luke 23:29-43 Jesus told the thief hanging on the cross that he would go to heaven because of his faith in Christ. If water baptism were a requirement that Jesus was waving in this instance, as some advocate, surely the Savior of the world would have mentioned it to ensure there would be no confusion. 1 Cor 1:14-17 is a portion of Scripture where Paul says that he did not come to baptize but to preach the Gospel. If baptism were necessary for salvation Paul would have never made such a statement.Many undervalue the significance of this decision but we should never minimize what Jesus emphasized. Jesus put tremendous emphasis on water baptism beginning his ministry by being baptized (Matt 3:13-15) and concluding his ministry by commanding the same of disciples (Matt 28:19). Jesus emphasized water baptism because water is very significant and the devil absolutely hates it!Matt 12:43 When unclean spirit goes out of man, it passes through waterless places, seeking rest… (NAS) The King James Version says “dry places”. Why is the devil seeking dry places?

  • Hosea 5:10 speaks of God’s wrath as water, “…I will pour out My wrath like water.” (NAS).
  • In Mark 5 Jesus drove demons out of Legion into pigs and they ran to their death into water.
  • Gen 6 is the story where God’s judment against wickedness and demonic activity is pronounced by flooding the earth with water.
  • Exodus 14 tells the story of the Children of Israel and how they walked free from Egypt, which speaks of our freedom from the world.

It’s interesting that as they walk out of the world’s system they pass through water. Not only do they pass through the water but that which had held them in bondage for generations was destroyed and remained in the water as they went on to new levels of living.As believers come out of Egypt and pass through baptismal waters it speaks of breaking free from the world and all of its entanglements. As we engage our faith with this very important act of obedience to Christ that which has held us captive and even our previous generations is completely destroyed in our lives forever more! The believer’s baptism in water speaks of spiritual resurrection and a public day of new beginnings – Rom 6:4, Col 2:12. This also speaks of the cleansing of the conscience, healing from memories and mental torment. By faith God restores the believer’s innocence and mental health – Rom 9:1.It is my firm conviction as a Pastor and as a Christian who reads my Bible that water baptism, when entered into by faith, can bring a mighty deliverance in a person’s life! This is very spiritually significant. With water baptism the method and the meaning are bound together. To change the method to involve sprinkling or something other than full emersion is to corrupt the meaning. To subject infants to this process who have no idea of what’s taking place is simply not found in Scripture.Water baptism is a funeral for the new believers old life, behaviors, and bondages. The only mourner at this funeral is the devil.Have you accepted Christ as your personal Savior?Have you been scripturally and correctly water baptized since you were saved? If you’re married has your spouse? If you are a parent have your children?We will be having a baptismal service coming very soon at Destiny. If you are in our area send us a message through the website that you are interested and we’ll follow up with you on this very important decision in your life.