Investment Class For Destiny Seniors

No class until Tuesday so I'll post a few things for you this weekend.Obviously I am trying to tamper with your understanding of "what is normal". Normal is common and it is hard to stand out in life if you are focused on fitting in. A central concept to all of what I'm sharing is how the willingness to delay gratification leads to a more fruitful future. This really does apply in every area of life, finance, relationship, etcI'm praying for each of you by name as we finish out our time together with this class.It is 2pm on Saturday as I am posting this. Anybody who leaves a commentANDposts this link on social media tagging me so I see it within the next hour (before 3pm) receives $150k added to their investment game when we come back Tuesday.Anybody who does this any time today after 3pm receives $100k.Anybody who does this after today before Tuesday receives $50kRemember you must leave a comment here and post this link on your social media tagging me: a great weekend everybody!Pastor Lawrence