You don’t have to settle for merely existing when God’s plan is for you to truly live. Most people spend more time planning their vacation than they plan their future because it’s easier to escape than it is to change.
Three Financial Workshops are available online to help you Discover your financial purpose, Develop financial strategies, and Deploy financial leverage.
These sessions will help you understand the purpose of your finances, strategy in managing your finances, and how to leverage your finances. so you may truly live.
So for all of you students reading this looking for an increase in your investment dollars I suggest you really think about what I said in our last class about rumors and news.
Anybody who is willing to provide me with a written outline of the three messages in the videos from the link listed above will receive an extra $100k to invest. You can do this by tomorrow if you are eager enough or you can do this by Thursday. A written outline that gives me the basic layout of the information I present in all three workshops is what I'm looking for. You would need to give the title of each session and the big ideas I explain as you listen. Mainly I need to know that you actually listened to all three workshops. If you do that = $100k added!!!
In addition the first five people who post something you have learned from my class as a comment on this post will receive $20k.
Realize your post won't show up immediately. I get notified and then have to approve the comment.
Good luck!