On January 27th I felt the Holy Spirit saying to me that we were entering a SEASON OF GRACE AND EASE. It seems that our circumstances have been anything other than grace and ease as the Covid-19 pandemic has swept across nations of the world since that word.
As I began praying about it, I reflected on the eternal values of God in comparison to the temporal values of man. Many people have been sharing about how people are coming to Christ during this difficult time. It's as if complicated times have been met by grace and salvations are coming with ease.
So many people have been speaking of the deeper invitation from God they are sensing in places of God’s Word and prayer. This morning in my quiet time before I began reading I asked the Holy Spirit what today would hold. I sensed the Lord’s saying again he was inviting us deeper. As I opened my Bible to continue my Turn The Page progression I was ready to start 2 Thessalonians and these were the first words I read from these verses.
2 Thessalonians 1:3-4 “…your faith is growing abundantly, and the love of every one of you for one another is increasing…in the afflictions that you are enduring. ESV
It is always incredible to see how God reveals “part” of the fullness of what he’s doing. We know in part and prophecy in part.
Isa 42:9 ... new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you.
The situation that has come upon us has awakened our ATTENTION toward God. Continuing to press in will awaken our AFFECTION toward God.
Seeking God when times are tough reveals how much we know we NEED him. Seeking God when times are easy reveals how much we truly WANT him.
May we continue to press in and believe God for grace and ease to go deeper on every level of our relationship with Him.