You don’t have to settle for merely existing when God’s plan is for you to truly live. Most people spend more time planning their vacation than they plan their future because it’s easier to escape than it is to change. Gateway High School students it was my pleasure to be with you today. Here is your chance to add to your investment dollars.Three Financial Workshops are available online. These sessions will help you understand the purpose of your finances, strategy in managing your finances, and how to leverage your finances.It is 4pm as I am posting this. Anybody who posts a link to this blog with a comment about my class on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram tagging me so I see it within the next hour (before 5pm) receives $150k added to their investment game.Anybody who does this any time today after 5pm receives $100k.Remember you must post a brief comment about my class along with this link tagging me so I see it: on TwitterPastordude on InstagramPastordude Author's Page on FacebookIn the market it is amazing to see how things go up and then they go down. Nothing keeps going up without dips and nothing dips continuously without coming back up. I spoke of a rumor about a connection between two sectors of the market in my class and this will be very significant when the time is right. There could be some pain in the process of getting there but after the pain there will surely be great reward. Of course timing the market by capturing the opportunity that comes when stocks go down for a bit could bring a double reward. Good luck everybody!