Discipleship Strategy Without Discipleship Culture Dies A Slow Death

The lack of discipleship culture in our churches will strangle any discipleship strategy implemented to death. This leaves us trying to grow churches based on celebration and attraction rather than on substance and commissioning.Ultimately if we are merely trying to get people to attend our churches without truly making disciples we are actually contributing to the greater problem of disillusionment with church in our society. Jesus didn’t die so we could merely go to church! When we come to church our lives are enriched but when we become the church our world is enriched.It's dangerously easy to come from a worldly perspective trying to apply Biblical principles in efforts to accomplish personal agendas. We must learn to come from a Biblical perspective navigating through worldly perspectives to fulfill Jesus' agenda!When we are enriched by God and generous like Jesus the world will be a better place!2 Cor 9:11 You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. NIVChurch leaders must realize we do NOT hire people to do a job well. We hire people to develop people effectively. Any role of influence God has entrusted to your care is not to be used as an avenue to accomplish excellence that would bring attention to you. This should be an avenue of discipleship where you raise up others to bring attention to their love for Jesus that drives them to make sacrifices.Leonard Ravenhill said, “The greatest tragedy ever is a sick church in a dying world.”The diseased thinking of the pursuit of self-promotion has inundated the church. Our greatest ministry happens on the smallest level. God’s impact when he became man changed the world. We are to humble ourselves to follow his example and prioritize making a meaningful difference in the lives of other people over our own.When the pastors and leaders understand how important this is and how simple it is the entire culture of the church begins to shift. When all of the leaders purpose inviting others to join them on their journey to know Jesus the culture begins to be effectively established. What is your method of reading the Bible, praying, seeking God, knowing God, etc? Invite someone to join you in a conversation about how you seek God.This naturally leads into relational accountability without awkward accountability becoming the chief concern. We simply care about each other and want to become more like Christ. Our conversations center around these two things just as Jesus commanded, “Love God and love others.So….who can you contact today to ask them how their relationship with God is going to initiate the importance of being a disciple maker? Get started today. Make sure people aren’t projects in your mind or they’ll feel like projects in your life. The goal isn’t to accomplish something in this regard. The goal is to simply develop a lifestyle of caring for people and expanding the work of God in the earth through any avenues of influence that have been entrusted to your care.