Crazy Faith Gets Us There

Insanity is doing the same thing expecting a different result. Faith is a little crazy because sometimes you have to do a little thing for a long time until something big happens. Keep believing! Don't give up!

You are created in the image of an unconquerable King. His fight exists in your life but you must find it!

You know what’s worse than being in a fight? Being in a fight and not knowing you’re in a fight. Years ago, before we had children, Tracy and I went to ride go-carts. Three younger guys, probably late teens, were on the track with us and they were obviously buddies. Tracy and I were racing each other and these guys were zipping around us very aggressively. Finally with just a few laps to go I decided to jump in to their competition. I edged them out, cut in on the corners and emerged ahead of them for our final lap. 

As we all slowed down and turned into the pit area to return our carts I pulled in first, then these three guys and behind them Tracy. Before I knew what happened those three boys jumped out of their carts very unhappy that I showed them up. One of them ran up behind me and punched me in the face from behind as they all took off running. I was stunned and didn’t even know what happened at first. I was in a fight and didn’t even realize it and they all ran away before anything further could transpire.

Christians, we are in a battle! Like it or not God has purposed for us to have a role in an epic battle of eternal proportion. Scripture is clear!

2 Corinthians 10:3-4For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. ESV 

1 Peter 5:8Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. NIV

Jesus is the Lord of hosts, the captain of armies of angels. When He returns he is on a white horse, w a double-edged sword, his robe dipped in blood – Rev 19. There is something fierce in the heart of God. And this exists in the heart of men showing up at a very young age. Every boy has amazing ability to turn a stick into a sword to conquer a ferocious enemy. You know why? Because embedded in every man’s heart is a battle to fight, an adventure to live and people to rescue.

We must guard against lessening our ambition and losing our fight. Have you ever fallen asleep in a movie because there just wasn't enough going on to keep your attention? 

You ever feel like God’s just not that involved in or interested in your life? Is it possible that we can settle for so much less than God ever intended that he grows bored with what is going on in our lives?

It was never God’s plan for any of us to live boring lives. God didn’t allow his son to be brutalized to provide a mediocre existence for you. Jesus didn’t suffer being beaten, having his beard pulled out of his face, his back lacerated, his hands and feet nailed to a cross bleeding every drop of blood out of his body so we could be as comfortable as possible completely neglecting the needs of those around us.

Jesus came to heal the hearts of humanity and awaken a ferocious love within us all that has the power to transform the world.

We are part of a worldwide Jesus movement to redeem and restore all of humanity! When God’s purposes are awakened in our hearts life becomes all Jesus described it to be in John 10:10“…I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).” Amplified Bible

Create an atmosphere in your home that will awaken supernatural strength and attract the attention of God.

  • Worship music
  • The Word
  • Pray for family members and close friends.
  • Purpose meaningful family time together! #DMMLife walk into scavenger hunt ill.